Giving at Good Shepherd

Invest in

When you invest in the kingdom at Good Shepherd, your generosity fuels impactful ministries, supports community outreach, and helps spread the life-transforming message of Jesus. Your financial contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities, enabling us to fulfill our mission of knowing Christ and making Him known.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

ways to give

Donate Online

Support the church’s annual operating budget one time or set up recurring donations online or on our app.

Stock Donations

Donate stock through Good Shepherd’s brokerage account. For support with this, contact Donna Duckworth.

Mail Us a Check

Made out to “Good Shepherd” and mailed to 4800 Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, CA 92604.


Fund special projects outside of the church's annual operating budget online or by writing a check.

Offering Plate

Place cash or a check in the offering plate as part of our Sunday Worship Services.

Ralphs Rewards

Select "Good Shepherd Lutheran Church" as part of the Ralph’s Community Contribution Program. Enroll here.

For support with any of the contribution options, contact Donna Duckworth at (949) 398-5174 or

Have any questions?

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Good Shepherd’s ministries and services, please don't hesitate to contact us!

contact Donna Duckworth at (949) 398-5174 or


Want to learn more?

Get to know the story behind Good Shepherd.

  • If you need to edit your online giving, you can sign up or log into Vanco by clicking here.

    For a step by step guide to online giving, click here.

    If you are having trouble accessing your account, contact Donna Duckworth at or (949) 398-5174.

  • If you currently have Automated Giving set up through use of an Authorization Form, changes can be made by contacting Donna at or (949) 398-5174.

  • The General Fund is used to finance the ongoing operations of the church. We encourage contributors to give their Biblical tithe and offering to this fund.

    Because of your generous giving to the General Fund, our congregation is empowered to…

    • plant the foundations of faith in our children and youth

    • lead impactful worship services,

    • send congregants on mission around the world,

    • encourage community through church-wide social gatherings,

    • pay our ministry and support staff,

    • maintain (and upgrade) our facilities,

    • contribute financially to local charitable organizations (yes, we tithe our 10%!),

    • and so much more!

  • The Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Foundation was created to support the church by funding special projects outside of the church’s annual budget. Each year, the Foundation allocates 4% of its funds based on the account balance as of December 31 of the prior year.

    In the past, the Foundation has funded projects such as a subscription to RightNow Media for every member of the church during the pandemic, new choir robes, Vacation Bible School scholarships, and the refresh of the Youth Room.

  • Yes, we mail home a contribution statement annually at the end of the calendar year!

    Please provide up to date contact information when you submit a donation. Unsure if your information is up to date? Contact Donna Duckworth at or (949) 398-5174.

  • Cash and check contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be included on your contribution statement for that year. Online transactions must be initiated by 11:59 pm PST on December 31 to be included.

See what God can do through your continued generous giving.

For more information

Donna Duckworth
HR & Contributions Director
(949) 398-5174