Global Missions
serve the Globe
The Biblical mandate in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:20 calls us to go into the world and make disciples. Whatever we do for the least of Jesus’ brothers and sisters, we do for him and we seek to accomplish going to the “least” and the “lost” through yearly mission initiatives.
Why should you go a mission trip?
Use Your Gifts to Serve Others
Use your time, skills, and resources to help fulfill the spiritual and physical needs of others. You’ll learn to care as you put others before yourself.
Experience God in Your Life
Step out of your comfort zone and allow God to grow your faith as you see Him at work through, in, and around yourself and your team.
Gain a New Perspective
Meet people in other countries and see the world through their eyes. Learn about their culture, views, and what brings them joy.
Mission Partnerships
Good Shepherd is deeply committed to establishing meaningful mission partnerships both locally and globally. Through intentional relationships with on-the-ground organizations, we join forces to advance the Kingdom of God and address pressing social, spiritual, and physical needs. Our mission partnerships reflect our dedication to spreading the love of Christ and making a positive difference in the world.
Scroll up to each mission section to complete an Application. Upon your mission approval, you will be sent additional paperwork to complete to secure your spot.
Simple answer, no! Some trips may be a better fit based on specific skills or professional knowledge, but we encourage you to apply regardless of experience.
Each trip is different so you will need to read through the descriptions above to find out the specifics. This could involve using your God-given skills in a variety of activities like building a playground, coordinating crafts for Vacation Bible School, & more!
Each team member has the opportunity to raise their own financial support in order to serve on a mission. While this may seem daunting, it is an opportunity to see God provide in ways that will strengthen the faith of those going on the trip. Each person will be thoroughly equipped and prepared with the knowledge of how to raise support. This is typically done through emails that ask people to contribute to the trip.
Team preparation takes place over at least 2 meetings leading up to the trip (potentially more depending on the nature of the trip). We will talk about financial fundraising, prepare the programs we will be initiating, and team-build in order to serve as a unit. Attendance is required in order to build team unity and receive the necessary information & materials prior to your trip.
Get in touch with our Missions Coordinator, Erin Steinhouser, at or (949) 398-5187.
For more information
Erin Steinhouser
(949) 398-5187